Sunday, July 28, 2013


Louise had her four month check up this week. She is about 67th% for height and about 45th% for weight. When the nurse laid her down to measure her, Louise did her signature pilates move and lifted her head and raised her legs up so it made it a bit tricky for the nurse to measure her, she just wouldn't lie flat. The nurse said she had a two-pack(i guess baby's don't have a six pack...who knew?) She sure has some strong abs, and lungs. She has been super fussy the past few days(maybe from the shots?) and our neighbor at church commented on the power of her lungs...they can hear her from across the street! Most of the time she is a super smiley little girl. She is so fun to talk to because she lights up with conversation and attention. She adores her big sister and big brother, They can get her giggling pretty hard.  Louise loves to be carried so she is facing out, she doesn't usually like to be cuddled because she can't see what is going on around her. She leans in the direction she wants me to take her and i worry that if i'm not holding onto her tightly enough she would just maneuver herself right out of my arms. She gets so excited sometimes that her legs start kicking and she pumps her arms up and down and squeals really loudly. She also blows lots of bubbles (which henry and lizzy seem to be fascinated that she can do that) She concentrates pretty hard when she tries to roll over, most of the time she can roll from her back to her tummy but then gets so mad that she is on her tummy. Tummy time is not her favorite. If she is unhappy and we take her outside she usually stops mid-scream. She has enriched our lives so much. We sure love Louise! 

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