Sunday, July 28, 2013


Lizzy has been loving summer. Anytime the door opens she goes out of it as quick as she can! She puts on her little pink crocs and heads for the fresh air, rain or shine.  Her favorite time of the day seems to be evening when it is a little cooler, she has her pajamas on and says she is going outside to "cool off" She also likes to do whatever Henry is doing. She is a great little buddy for him and goes along with all of his pretend play...they are often wild animals, or pretending to go to school or church, or are pirates riding on a pirate ship(aka the couch).
She is a super good helper. She is always helping to find things that are lost and she usually does. She usually anticipates what we will need and gets it for us before we even ask.  Lately we've been going on lots of walks in the river bottoms and when we come back we find lots of burrs on our shoes/socks/pants.  Without even being asked lizzy gets to work picking off every burr off of everyone's clothes and doesn't quit til the job is done.
 Lizzy is still so cuddly and fun to squish and hug. She gives the biggest hugs and kisses to her daddy, she will grab him by the cheeks and give him a big kiss and say "love you daddy." 
Lately when we go places my arms are usually occupied carrying louise and the diaper bag and who knows what else so lizzy grabs onto my skirt and tags along wherever i go. She says "my mommy" just like she would "my blanky" or "my binky"  It's very endearing. I love being her mommy. We all love Lizzy!

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