Sunday, July 28, 2013

Picnic and movie at the park...

Fun times at the park. Someone said it is like "Mayberry" at the local park and i think it is true!!! People picnic-ing, playing, smiling, waving is a happy gathering spot.  So last week we joined in and brought a picnic, played and stayed til dark to watch "finding nemo" on the big screen they set up. I thought the kids would surely fall asleep and we would end up carrying them all home...but all 3 of them were wide awake watching every minute of it to the very end. It was so fun. (well louise was screaming through part of it and when i tried to discreetly nurse her during the movie the breeze kept blowing the blanket off and louise was getting madder by the minute...just keepin it real i suppose) but memories were made that will hopefully help the kids remember the magic of childhood

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