Friday, June 28, 2013

Summer Fun with the Cousins!

 Lunch at Porter Park
 Henry so super excited to be at the splash park with his cousins

 Meredith and Chloee
 lizzy has been Grandma's shadow lately, it's pretty cute.
 louise was loving every minute of the time with her cousins. She gets so excited watching everyone she just might surprise us and jump out of our arms and run off with the big kids one of these days.
 Brigham, Gabe and of the only times the little boys were sitting still! 
 Claire was great about entertaining the little ones.
 Gabe is sure talented, and so nice. When we arrived we overheard him humming/whistling church songs to himself and then he let the little boys chase him and tackle him all morning.
 This is the first time these two cutie boys were old enough to really bond and play together. It's so fun to watch. Three year old boys sure know how to have fun.
 Claire and Lizzy.
 Chloee and Gabe are quite the agile tree-climbers.
Mother and Daughter...very sweet! 

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