Monday, February 25, 2013


 Lizzy is turning into a shoe-lover. Throughout the day she is found wearing someone's shoes, usually not her own:)

 Henry has taken a liking to drawing. He spends hours drawing on post-it notes, scrap paper and even envelopes. If we give him a coloring sheet to color he usually flips it over and draws on the blank side.

 Lizzy loves collecting things in her onesie. The first time i discovered this i was putting her down for a nap and there was a pile of puzzle pieces gathered at the bottom of her onesie. The other day i caught her on camera stashing Henry's cars in her onesie. Too funny.

Henry has fun roaming around the house in his cousin's darling doggy outfit. Very endearing! 

They also love playing together(most of the time). It's endearing to watch them become pals.

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