So this week Henry has had the stomach flu...sad little boy has been living in his jammies, moving from bed to couch and back again, being forced to drink lots of fluid and watching "charlie and lola" over and over again....
Today H finally joined us for breakfast at the table. That's a good sign. Thanks to a Priesthood blessing, a good nights sleep, lots of charlie and lola to keep him happy and lots of fluids(way to go for making your green sippy cup your best friend H) Henry seems to be on the mend, however, as i'm writing this he is back on the couch taking a rest with his favorite blue blankie.
In the meantime, Lizzy has been keeping herself busy. Thanks for being such a good sport this week little one.
Em, I hope Henry is on the mend. So many times I've thought how nice it would be if the kids got sick and just settled down for a day or two. But when they do get sick I just feel bad for them so it's not that great at all. Good to see a post again!