Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Henry remembers Santa from last year.  Santa(aka brother overson) came to our house in his pickup to deliver treats.  The visit went great til I wanted a photo of Henry with Santa...this is the result...

 So this year Henry asked if Santa was coming again in his big white pickup?!  It was fun explaining to Henry about the sleigh and reindeer and how he comes in the night and leaves presents.  He even wrote a letter to Santa (with the help of daddy) asking for a giant front end loader for Christmas.  While we were in Utah, we got to meet Santa at an Ogden Christmas Tree Jubilee.  Henry was nervous! But it was so sweet. Santa Claus asked him, "Are you afraid of me?" and Henry said "yes." And Santa said "you don't need to be afraid of me, I'm Santa." They talked for awhile and Henry even sat on his knee and told him what he wanted for Christmas.  I hope he is a BELIEVER! I loved believing in Santa Claus as a little girl, and i still do;)

While we were waiting in a REALLY long line...little miss Ruby ran ahead, went under the rope and sat right on Santa Claus lap.  Santa welcomed her with open arms. She then got back in line and sat on his lap again with her sisters.  

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