Monday, November 5, 2012

camping out

 This is what we call roughing it! We camped out in our farmhouse without any beds on the hardwood floor! It was fun but i don't think we will be doing that again anytime soon. Henry was sure happy about his "bed." He loved the freedom of being able to get up and wander around the house during the night. Lizzy is pulling her new camera smile while she is saying "cheese!"
 We made a new friend on our visit. His name is James and he was visiting my parents. He is from Ghana. He took a liking to Lizzy and was teaching her how to walk. He was encouraging Henry to go on a mission to cape coast Ghana someday. 
Even though we were in Huntsville for less than 24 hours we HAD to make a trip to pineview reservoir to throw rocks in the water. It's a tradition. 

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