Wednesday, August 29, 2012

a fun visit

Here we are at the Pioneer museum for a family reunion. Let's just say the only family i knew were my mom and my sister and her family, my own kids and my niece sage.  I did get to talk to my grandma's cousin and a sweet older lady who i'm still not sure how we are related???

Sarajane, Emily, Lizzy, Mother
Henry, Ruby, Sage, Julia
(Rob&baby Ellie were taking the photo)
Ruby, Julia, Sage
We had such a great time in utah! Henry ate about 50 popsicles, seriously. Lizzy was actually happy to be there and had so much fun scooting around on her own in grandma's toy room, and I loved the chance to catch up with family and friends. We sure did miss Daddy though! 
I am so mad at myself, i didn't take a single photo while we were there(the ones above are compliments of my sister sj. Thanks!) 

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