Friday, February 3, 2012

Trigger Thumb

So Henry's right thumb is locked in the flexed/bent position because of "trigger thumb" Ever heard of it??? Here's what is going on...
Trigger thumb refers to a thumb that clicks, catches or “locks” as the tip of the thumb moves from a bent to a straight position.

At times, your child’s thumb may become "locked" in a flexed position.

We think it is from Henry carrying around small vehicles in his fist nearly 24 hours a day:) Who knew such a cute and endearing habit could be such a problem?! The Dr is recommending surgery to fix it. Oh dear!


  1. Emily!! The same thing happened to me when I was 2-3 years old. I have no idea why my thumb did that , but I had to have the surgery to fix it. My only memory of it was having to cover my hand with a plastic bag so I could take a bath afterwards . My mom remembers it being an easy surgery. Good luck!!

  2. Hi Emily. I ran across your blog last year after doing the blog about my mom's accident..
    Anyway, my little girl Saige has a trigger thumb also. We were told it was a 'congenital' trigger thumb (although it is not supposed to be hereditary) but now I am wondering :) We noticed Saige's around the time she was 2.. and since I am not too observant, it could have been that way for a few months. Our pediatrician sent us to Douglas Hutchinson at Primary Children's who specializes in children's orthopedics. He is currently doing a study with trigger thumbs in children and he told us that there was evidence in some country (I can't remember which.. Japan maybe) that trigger thumbs eventually resolve on their own if given the time. Apparently, he said, nobody ever waits long enough to see, but there has never been any research done in the United States on it. He said we could do the surgery at anytime.. there is not really a risk to waiting. Somehow we ended up as part of his study so Saige is supposed to go down again in a couple of weeks to have hers checked again. Saige has just adapted to hers, and it hasn't impaired her ability to use that hand at all. . I don't know how Henry's is, but Saige's was completely locked a year ago. Now, with a little pressure, you can hear/feel a small pop and it will straighten so hers has improved. It may or may not continue to improve, so we might end up having the surgery in a few years, but right now I am glad we decided to wait and see. You can call me if you want..

    1. Hi Louise! Thank you so much for your comment. I will definitely give you a call since i'm not sure if you will get this "reply" That is crazy that Saige has it too. Yes Henry's is locked, but one day i was massaging it and it popped straight again but the next morning it was locked again and has been that way ever since. I haven't scheduled a surgery yet because i wanted to see what his pediatrician recommended since the orthopedic Dr in Rexburg didn't seem too familiar with pediatric patients. I have an appt with our pediatrician in a few weeks. I'd be so interested to know what the Dr at primary children's says about Saiges. We'll be in touch! Thanks Louise!
